Saturday, 25 April 2009

Well, Easter has come & gone, and I seem to have neglected my blog somewhat!

Yesterday I went down to Charroux to pick up brochures and leaflets of forthcoming events for this summer--only to find that most wouldn't be ready until the beginning of May. On a more positive note, I did manage to register my B&B with them, and leave some business cards.

The dates that I have managed to get so far include:

Sunday 3 May Cross Country and Show-jumping Fun Open Day ( Beau Regard, Asnois) horses!

Thursday 21 May Marche aux Fleurs (Charroux)--annual flower sale
(Dejeuner:produits regionaux et aux gouts de fleurs)

Sunday 31 May Vide Greniers ---7hr-19h ( Genouille)--village fete and car boot sale
( also entertainments, Petanque competition-14h, Evening meal of 'choucroute garnie' -19h-22h, fireworks from 22h30 and finally at 23h - Ball a Papa ( dancing!)

29-30 May, 5-6 & 12-13 June Spectacle Nocturne (Nouaille Maupertuis) --Le Tresor des Rois-- a sort of Mediaeval whodunnit taking place throughout the village flowing the theft of a precious stone once belonging to Eleanor of Aquitaine. Entertainments, jousts and wine --once the thief is found!

Sunday 28 th June Journee Medievale (Nouaille Maupertuis)--the annual mediaeval day's feast and tournament laid on by 'Nouaille1356'.

Further details of these last two events, both requiring tickets can be obtained from

Sunday 14 June Ostensions Septennales ( Charroux) --every 7 years--since 1862, the relics from l'Ancienne Abbaye saint-Sauveur de Charroux are paraded through the town.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
31 July &1 and 2 August Les Peintres dans la rue (Charroux) Every year painters come to charroux and set up their easels and paint various sites of the town. Villagers dress up to depict living tableaux of famous French paintings. This year there will be scens by Renoir, Rubens, Manet, Velasquez and others.

I shall add more dates as soon as the Charroux tourist office makes them available!